For Physicians
Guardio®, the intuitive multichannel ecg for your patients
The Guardio®-App enables patients to record electrocardiograms (ECGs) by simply putting their smartphone on the chest. Since Guardio is super easy to use, your patients can measure safely at home and provide the results to you.
Guardio® utilizes advanced methods of artificial intelligence to record electrocardiograms without any electrodes. To this end, Guardio® utilizes the Heart.AI engine (patent pending) that is based on artificial intelligence. The engine transforms the motions of the human heart, so-called seismocardiograms (SCG), into the golden standard of non-imaging cardiac diagnostics: the electrocardiogram (ECG).
The artificial intelligence was developed to learn relationships between the SCG and the ECG and to apply these to new SCGs, thus transforming them unto ECGs. For the development of the Heart.AI engine, we recorded millions of data points of different patients with various pathologies in clinical settings. We cooperate with clinical partners and experts in the fields of cardiology, rhythmology and electrophysiology.
The data is trained into the neural network of our app and enables the transformation. This approach ensures that our calculations are clinically accurate.
Complex pathologies require a versatile portfolio of diagnostic methods. Guardio® offers various types of information that simplify and support the daily diagnostic routine. The basis of our data recording is the seismocardiogram. The recording of the required seismocardiogram input is enabled by the smartphones built-in acceleration sensor. These sensors enable the recording of micro motions, such as the opening and closing of the heart valves. The Guardio® app records these signals and transforms them into comprehensible diagnostically relevant information, including a multichannel ECG as well as extracted parameters, such as heart rate, heart rate variability, respiratory rate, and blood pressure.
The health of the heart can be analyzed and quantified by a various types of signals and parameters. The recorded signals are deducted from the activity of the heart (e.g., motions or electric action potentials). In this context, derived parameters could be a change in pressure that results from the heart’s contraction (blood pressure), electrical action potentials that result from the conduction of control signals to the heart muscle (electrocardiograms), or motions of the heart itself during the process of contraction and relaxation (seismocardiograms).
Guardio® is developed with clinical accuracy in mind! To this end, we are continuously testing Guardio® with respect to the current state of the art technologies. In addition, we are working together with domain experts to receive evaluations of our capabilities with regard to both rhythmologic diagnostic quality as well as morphologic diagnostic quality. Guardio® is unaffected by sex, age, physique, or underlying pathology of the patients. The Guardio® technology is the result of years of research and development.
The figure shows a seismocardiogram (SCG) that was recorded by a standard smartphone (1). The signal is transformed into an electrocardiogram (ECG) by the Heart.AI engine (2). Step (3) shows a direct comparison with a classical electrode-based ECG that was recorded simultaneously (ground truth marked in blue).
Accelerometers in smartphones record motion signals in three axes. As a result, our seismocardiograms capture motions in three-dimensional space and contain characteristic information in dependence on the axis of the heart, condition of the conductive system of the heart, as well as the condition of the working myocardium.
The video shows the seismic oscillation of a single heartbeat in three-dimensional space. The color coding indicates the recorded samples beginning with the first value (light blue) to the last value (purple).
Guardio® records multichannel ECGs without expensive extra hardware – your patients are simply using their own smartphones.
The recording is performed by initiating a measurement within the app. To do so, the smartphone is simply being placed on the chest and the recording starts as soon as the patient is resting. In case of an erroneous placement of the device, the patient receives a feedback through the app and is actively supported and guided to achieve an optimal placement.
The Guardio® app enables the recording and management of measurements. The results are also transferred to the Guardio® Backend where they can be accessed by you, the physician, via the Guardio® Dashboard. This enables the extension of diagnostic tools for reducing the time-to-diagnosis. As a result of this, the optimal treatment can be started sooner. Our goal is to register Guardio® as a digital health application (DIGA) in the German market. We are working hard to achieve this goal as soon as possible, so that you will be able to prescribe Guardio® to your patients.

All of the recordings are realized as a measurement card including a risk indicator so that all the important information can be viewed at a glance.

The detail page provides an overview of each single measurement including the extracted vital parameters.

The visualization of recordings including the risk indicators within the calendar view helps to identify relevant measurements in a quick and easy way. It also allows your patient to quickly share the relevant data with you.
The Guardio® Dashboard lets you access the recordings of your patients. In addition to this, various extracted parameters as well as a multitude of different types of visualizations (e.g., tables, graphs) can be found. If requested, notifications can be sent to your Guardio® Dashboard, informing you as the physician in charge of any case of anomalous measurements performed by high-risk patients.
The Guardio dashboard shows all of the measurements conducted by your patients sorted by date and time. Each measurement is shown as a card view and includes a signal preview as well as a color indicator for anomalies. The notification bar shows notifications in case of anomalous measurements conducted by risk patients.
All corresponding channels are manipulated synchronously e.g., in case of a zoom operation. In addition to the required ecg channels scg channels are shown.